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Innovative inspection guidance system

Labyrinth is a Remote Visual Inspection tool which autonomously provides guidance on the positioning of borescopes during routine and specialist aerospace maintenance activities.

It empowers inspection engineers to confidently ensure that the visual inspection probe is inserted along the correct inspection path and reaches the ideal location for data capture and/or measurement, by providing clear and simple visual guidance.

This provides support to the most challenging aspects of data capture, improving the consistency of the captured data. More consistent data enhances the effectiveness of automated analysis, while reducing the time taken to collect the required data and produce an inspection report. Combined, these reduce downtime, increasing asset availability.

This product is the subject of UK Patent Application Number GB2202161.2 and US Patent Application Number 18/110,563.

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Enhance robotic control

As an autonomous guidance system, Labyrinth can be readily integrated with robotic control systems. It provides a closed loop control capability, removing system reliance on accurate and repeatable motor control.

Grow your inspection team

Generating Labyrinth path guidance enables inspection training to be decoupled from experienced staff availability and simplifies inspection tasks. This expands the pool of available inspectors by reducing the required skill level.

During specific inspection tasks, the system provides guidance to users of all levels, aiding in achieving consistent data capture, which is especially useful during repetitive tasks.

Rapid operational deployment

Labyrinth is suitable for remote deployment across a globally distributed team of users. Due to the novel waypoint approach, it requires no sensitive data relating to the platform under inspection, meaning that guidance paths are safe and simple to share.

Individual users, operators, maintainers, or engine manufacturers can produce their own guidance paths and openly share them with any user’s device. Fully trained inspection engineers can share their knowledge by curating guidance paths, enabling less experienced operators to complete challenging inspection tasks.

Features and benefits


  • Device-agnostic deployment – use your existing borescopes
  • No 3D CAD required – applicable to any asset
  • Simple, intuitive guidance
  • Easy integration into existing systems as part of a wider Intelligent Inspection ecosystem


  • Increased asset availability
  • Expanded pool of borescope operators
  • Reduced operator time required to conduct inspections
  • Increased engine insight through reliable repetitive data
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